NOTE: I use the word “Ashkenazi” instead of “Jew” because I’d be turning my back on the Hebrew Israelites if I gave White Jews the title my brothers claim. Despite me not being a Hebrew Israelite and questioning their ideology it is them I’d be shackled to on the plantation and them I would have to work with to overcome a White male master if America ever reverted back to slavery. Although Black chattel slavery is in our past, I don’t feel America is beyond reenslavement and don’t feel safe enough to elevate anyone or anything over Black unity. I therefore use the word “Ashkenazi” instead of Jew.
Dave Chappelle is the G.O.A.T! His latest Saturday Night Live monologue proves that he’s not just a comedian; he’s a civil rights leader. Over a year ago I wrote a piece detailing how White male supremacy catapulted Dave’s career into realms never seen before by a comedian. His special, “Sticks and Stones” stomped right over the borders political correctness cautiously set in reaction to American culture getting exposed for being inherently homophobic and sexist. In a time where America accepted every sexual assault claim at face value Dave Chappelle risked his career to criticize the #metoo movement’s approach. He also spoke truth to the LGBTQ community in his special, “The Closer,” by saying the unthinkable; that “every human being on Earth had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on Earth.” The day after “Sticks and Stones,” media, in usual fashion, poised themselves to cancel him, however to their surprise those in favor of him speaking critically towards these movements outnumbered those who didn’t because of an unlikely faction joining Dave’s side, White males. White men saw Dave’s new term “Cancel Culture” as a useful tool to criticize their enemies, such as “heady” women and Gays. White America effortlessly appropriated the terms “Cancel Culture” and “Woke” from Black people and they have since become the cornerstone of 2020s Conservative politics. Many Trans and Gay people protested “The Closer” but Dave held his ground and asked for a public discussion, which never occurred because the community up in arms was, in traditional Western fashion, exploiting the fact of a problem rather than trying to eliminate it. I feel the same thing is happening today with Ashkenazis. The same way the LGBTQ community called Dave Chappelle a “homophobe” and “transphobe” then sought to gain power by attempting to take over Netflix by installing people from their community in its top leadership and gearing its programming towards LGBTQ programming, the Ashkenazi (Jewish) community uses every mention of them that sheds light on their prosperity as an opportunity to bolster that moral buffer created by WWII guilt. They forcefully check pre-problematic behavior to ensure that America’s ultimate powers, W.A.S.P.s (White Anglo Male Protestants) don’t reassess Ashkenazis place in American society.
But at what point in time are we participating in “doublethink,” like in the George Orwell book, “1984?” In “1984,” an oppressive government supplanted citizens’ authority over their own minds and forced them to think not as they experienced, but as the government decided. To do otherwise was a “Thoughtcrime” (a crime for thinking in opposition to government will). Dave said “I’ve been to Hollywood. And I don’t want y’all to get mad at me, I’m just telling you this is just what I saw. It’s a lot of Jews. Like a lot. But that doesn’t mean anything, you know what I mean?” Comedians thrive on current events. In a time where Jews, power and influence are the current the topic of discussion, for him to witness a lot of Ashkenazis (Jews) in the Industry yet have some authority forcing him to speak as if he thinks the opposite or abstain from speaking about the subject is the same as “doublethink” in 1984. Even more telling, in the book “1984,” the government with its absolute power forced regular citizens to use “doublethink.” Dave Chappelle is no regular citizen, he’s a rich and powerful American. To have the power to make powerful people use doublethink means influence almost superior to government, like corporations. Corporations have always done what the Constitution wouldn’t allow government to do directly, like limiting free speech in this case. Stating his experience of seeing a lot of Jews in entertainment earned Dave the title, “Anti-Semite.” It certainly gained him the scrutiny of the same forces that diminished Kanye West’s over $2 Billion dollar net worth by over three quarters. Had Dave employed “doublethink” like in the book “1984” the headlines would have been favorable.
Setting Capitalism and Freedom of Speech Aside
I find it odd that in a nation enjoying the highest degree of freedoms, journalistic empowerment and integrity, that each and every major media outlet failed to explore any of the recent supposed Black “anti-Semites”’ statements. Kanye West said Ashkenazis are making terribly disadvantageous contracts with Black people. Why are media as a whole simply deeming him an anti-Semite and not using journalistic research to discredit his statement? None of the major outlets entertained his complaint. Very few, like Medium and DJ Booth actually broke down what he felt was unfair about them. Why did the NBA suspend Kyrie Irving for posting a video that media are content with saying is “Anti-Semitic and has been debunked, yet those media make no mention of why it is anti-Semitic and who debunked it?” Why hasn’t anyone sat down with the producers of Hebrews to Negroes, the documentary that caused Kyrie Irving’s controversy, to discuss the supposed shortcomings of their message? Why don’t media point me to those who debunked it so I can read the details of the debunking myself? The situation stinks to high heaven based on what I was taught were American journalistic principles.
Americans, including government officials cite “freedom of speech” for not incapacitating the Ku Klux Klan when they take to the streets to rally for the lynching of Black people. The KKK says hateful words yet corporations don’t financially ostracize them to check their behavior like they did Kanye West. Based on this double standard we can see the disposition of corporate America and White America. Because of WORDS, Adidas, Balenciaga and Gap breached their duties, turning their backs on their shareholders and White America was ok with it. Corporations using their power to abridge freedom of speech is the epitome of unAmerican and no American mechanism is kicking into gear to stop it.
American is supposed to be a nation of freedom, rule of law, the Constitution, capitalism, reason and resources. Based on words, I watched corporate America set capitalism aside for supposedly moral reasons. This is uncharacteristic to the American capitalist attitude and shows a double standard. American Whites are perfectly content with attributing slavery to capitalism yet are fine with pausing capitalism because of a man’s words, none of which called for the death or hurting of anyone. The prevailing attitude of White America is that America enslaved Black people not because they were evil, but because they were simply being capitalists and “it was just business.” In fact, Senator Tom Cotton recently described the business of enslaving Black people as “a necessary evil.” Well, isn’t selling Yeezys, Gap clothing and Balenciaga shoes “just business” too? Tom Cotton is still Senator after saying those words. What is so exceptional about Kanye’s words that isn’t exceptional about taking tens of millions of Black human beings lives while forcing them to exist solely for the purpose of torture, rape and deadly labor? Bear in mind that the “Defcon” system doesn’t call for the hurting or killing of anyone. It’s a system of alertness and preparedness against threats. Kanye called for “Death Con 3” (sic), the moderate point of the scale. This is hardly anti-Semitic. America has clearly shown that it finds mere words, none of which called for the hurting or killing of anyone, less moral than enslaving Black people.
Dave Chappelle, being the person who invented the term “cancel culture,” has carved out a unique position in America where he can broach forbidden subjects without being cancelled. He could be America’s salvation because he sparks difficult discussions. Believe it or not, The Chappelle Show helped to Advance America’s racial dialogue. I was making my way in the film industry and working closely with White People for the first time when the Dave Chappelle Show first aired. Discussions at work about the show would always end with a White person pulling me aside and asking serious question about race. I would get to ask them questions as well. It created a dialogue. The consistent theme of my blog posts is not “hate Whitey,” rather it’s, “If America is going to survive, it needs to have a robust discussion about race.” Dave Chappelle’s comedy, whether it’s his intention or not, starts that difficult discussion which will enable America to start healing. His comedy is designed to save America by ridding our country of the cancer it has had since its inception, bigotry. Racial prejudice, sexism and homophobia stabilized White male supremacy as the prevailing social system of America’s past. Non-straight-White-male Americans have worked within that system to gain enough power today to contend with and make inroads towards overthrowing it. These power gains cause anxiety in the White men who benefit from the status quo and those non-White, non-male Americans who have found relative comfort within it. Those with newfound power quickly leveraged that power to throw off that of which afflicts them. Examples include the Black Lives Matter, #metoo and Trans movements. Where White men traditionally used media to quell Black people’s voices crying out against police murders, the Black Lives Matter movement subverted tradition by using social media to raise the World up in protest of these unjust slayings. Women, an axiomatically oppressed part of Western culture, got the world to recognize White male power was compromising their role as the ultimate decision makers in the act of pro-creation. When the world listened, they immediately used that power to address the wrongs perpetrated on them under traditional oppressive settings. The same holds for the Trans movement. When Dave Chappelle made jokes about them that were perfectly fine before, America, recognizing Trans Americans’ newfound and increasing power, opened a sympathetic ear to their plight and asked if they were ok with the jokes. They answered with a resounding “no” and immediately attempted to better their stake in America by assailing Netflix to make it a Trans-oriented network.
Dave fought the bully
Society is a coping method for the fact of life. Where humans in nature (life) would simply use their energy to procure their wants and needs, society funnels human energy through a financial system the powerful control through banking. Banks make money scarce, which makes people desperate and willing to side-step their morals and principles to survive and thrive. Threatening to end contracts, like Nike did to Kyrie Irving, can easily make an outspoken artist behave as those controlling the system want them to. Dave Chappelle proved to be cut from a different cloth than the average entertainer when he walked away from $50,000,000. He made around $300,000 from his first two seasons of The Chappelle Show and his contract ended, which meant he could negotiate his next big payday. However, when filming the show’s third season, he realized what he was doing compromised his principle of uplifting Black people. He recognized that he was being manipulated into behaving as White male supremacists wanted and that they were getting a racist kick out of his work. Being faced with the financial control mechanism, he decided to face the bully and invite the consequences by giving them back the $50,000,000 he stood to make. In a society where becoming rich is the goal, Dave declined, which flew in the face of capitalism itself. Dave was thinking big-picture and based on principles. He risked his rising fame to avoid capitalism’s controls. It paid off and rather than be a comedian who had a successful show, he became a wealthy icon of infinite value. It’s obvious that he spent a great deal of time reading and studying social causes during his 10 year hiatus because when he returned he had matured and spoke authoritatively about social issues that he used to make slap-stick comedy about. Rather than just make fun of racism, his jokes contained serious unapologetically Black messages. Dave unexpectedly became a civil rights leader.
Dave Chappelle made jokes about Trans-people that demonstrated that America prioritizes the rights and privileges of the oppressed it chooses to. While Trans-people have been fighting for equal rights for a far shorter period of time, their movement has moved faster than Black people’s because White men, seeking to pit Trans against Black people, allow it to. Media elevate Trans-people’s voices against Dave in attempts to quell his immense power, which has become far too great for their comfort, but Dave stood up to the Trans community and asked for a discussion with no terms. This was a win for Dave and the talk never materialized because the specifics would have revealed the truth that America was throttling movements’ progress and that the slowest progress, Black people’s, has less to do with ability and more to do with American priorities. Dave stood up again and won.
Why Dave Chappelle is a More Formidable Opponent
Dave has stood up to the bully at least twice so it’s safe to say he’d do it again. He’s walked away from $50,000,000 before, which shows he can’t be easily controlled by money. I’m sure he’s arranged his wealth strategically where it can’t be easily taken away too. There’s no way he could go through his 2004 experience and not refine his business practices to make the consequences of cancelling him extremely consequential to those doing the cancelling. In short; Dave Chappelle is rich and powerful and uniquely, money isn’t everything to him. This exceptional set of qualities in an influential Black man make Dave Chappelle the least cancellable Black man to date. This doesn’t mean he can’t be cancelled, but rather it means the traditional act of using money to bully wealthy Black men into silence or compliance is not as effective as it was on wealthy Black men of the past. This unique position gives him the ability to talk about what can’t be discussed. On Saturday Night Live, he mentioned there are a lot of Ashkenazis (Jews) in entertainment, which is my observation as well. I think it’s great because, as Russell Simmons said, they allowed us Blacks into White business when traditional WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) men wouldn’t. I owe much of my career success to Ashkenazis and my mentor is half-Ashkenazi. We Black people appreciate their willingness to let us in but it doesn’t mean we will be subservient to White males, Ashkenazi or not. Our goal is equality and that goal will be met whether we have help or not.
European Jews enslaved Black people in America’s past
European Jews have helped and hurt Black people in America’s history. They were fundamental in Black Wallstreet, they allowed us into White business arenas when traditional WASPS wouldn’t, they participated in the Civil Rights movement and they were fundamental in making Hip-Hop the worldwide phenomena it is today. However, they owned and financed many slave ships; MANY OF THEM. This is not speculation or hearsay, rather this comes from Jewish records. I’ll name a few:
- The “Four Sisters,” owned by Moses Levy
- The “Eagle,” owned by Moses Seixas
- The “Hestere,” owned by Mordecai, David Gomez and Rodrigo Pacheco
- The “Shiprah,” owned by Naphtali Hart
- The “Prince George,” owned by Isaac Elizer and Samuel Moses
I know of at least 205 slave ships owned by European Jews. To put this in perspective, in 1795 all European slave ships amounted to 200. Owning at least 205 ships throughout the Atlantic Slave Trade doesn’t mean Ashkenazis controlled the slave market, but proves they did not play a minor, ancillary roll.
WEB Dubois also explains in post emancipation times how Russian Jews would take advantage of freedmen by selling them land in exchange for labor only to deny them that land when the labor was complete. They sometimes practiced this scheme multiple times on the same Black people. I am not bringing this up to say Ashkenazis are evil, rather it’s to show that they have historically participated in White power against Black people in the United States and throughout the world. This White power system established the core advantage Whites have over others and the major barrier to Black advancement that defines America today. White power created the advantage that put Ashkenazis in the position to allow Black people into White business spheres so if stolen Black labor stands at the root of their generosity to us, can it be considered generosity? This is one of the questions that media are preventing us from answering. Corporations are engendering a forced lack of dialogue and public consideration by summarily slapping the “anti-Semite” title on Black men searching for better understanding about themselves and their past. Pointing out factual and documented Ashkenazi oppression and enslavement of Black people is not to villainize them today, rather it’s to point out that although both groups have histories of oppression by White men, only one group has oppressed the other in recent history. To find a history of Blacks oppressing Jews you would have to go back to the Granada Massacre and perhaps Ancient Egypt, where the oppression could be questioned.
Black Men fought Hitler to save Ashkenazis
We Black people are the most generous people the World has ever seen. As the parents of humanity, it is our duty to do our best to make sure our children prosper. But do we sell the family house to pay for our criminal child’s lawyer in a case they are likely guilty of? In other words, how much pain do we have to suffer for others to gain their footing in the World and not on our backs? We’ve already gave White men a nation they couldn’t have achieved without our labor. We’ve allowed them to gentrify rap and soul music. Despite being the most impoverished, we helped their banks by paying higher mortgages than higher earning Whites. We participate in the scam that leaves the distributers of art, and their families, wealthier than the artists who create the art those White men distribute. We know White supremacists hate Jews as much as Black people. That is a White-on-White problem and expecting us to participate in it would be like asking Ashkenazis to take sides in the Blood vs. Crips feud. Ashkenazis are quick to call Black people “Hitler” for mentioning their prominence in Banking or the entertainment field yet seem to forget the over one million Black people who fought and defeated Hitler in WWII. Yes! Over one million Black people fought to save Ashkenazis from the Holocaust and more than 700 died. While greatly appreciated, it will take many more Freedom Rides to pay us back for what we did to stop Hitler. Never forget this.
Dave Chappelle has proven resilient to the tactic of using finances to control Black artists. He’s walked away from a fortune, which likely makes the powers that be think twice. This is why he can point out that Ashkenazis are prominent in entertainment without getting canceled. Dave is immensely valuable so cancelling him could simply cut those canceling him out of his value circuit. I can tell you personally that I don’t care who sponsors a Dave Chappelle show, I’m going to see it. He’s more valuable than any of the infrastructure that promotes and manages his stardom. If he disappeared from every traditional platform I would find him wherever he’s performing and pay whatever it takes to hear him speak; I’d also be even more sympathetic to any message he had. In other words, cancelling Dave Chappelle would likely create a Negro Leagues situation where you’d have a parallel entertainment network with less money yet more talent. It’s best to leave Dave Chappelle alone. He’s a good man and has everyone’s interests at heart, including the people who go by the two words he says we are forbidden to say.