WARNING: This post contains graphic pro-choice language. Much of it may seem insensitive to the humanity of developing babies. Tough times call for extreme measures to preserve discretion for women, the life givers of humanity.
First, let me explain my views on women’s rights and abortion. I truly believe it is a woman’s choice whether to have a baby or not. I have faith that they will consult the father but do not require it in their decision to terminate a pregnancy. I also have faith that they will do it for the right reasons and do not feel it is my place to determine how qualified her reasons are. Why am I so lax on such an important subject? Because, having two mothers and four sisters, I’ve observed women my whole life and have witnessed some universal truths about them. This may offend some, but I truly feel women are hardwired to promote, secure and better human life. Humanity began as Pygmies in Africa with an average height of 4’11” and today the average human is 5’9”. We can thank women’s choices for this. When birth control became accessible, humanity didn’t dwindle into extinction because women wanted pleasure without purpose, rather it continued to grow because women will always have an inner-drive to do what’s best for humanity.
This latest attack on the givers of life by white men and those they get to join them, shows that what we view optimistically in the U.S. as social advancement is merely a racist, sexist country planning its next attack on minorities. Now the nation is once again divided on what was supposed to be settled law. Both sides are, once again, spewing out the same old, tired talking points. No one’s advancing any new ideas but I have one for pro-choicers that can force pro-forced-gestation (my term for “Pro-Life”) people to back up their senseless claim that life starts at conception. It’s very simple:
If a developing embryo or fetus is so “alive,” why can’t the Mother put it up for adoption?
A child can survive outside the womb starting at around 24 weeks. 91% of abortions occur before 13 weeks. Only 1.3% occur after 21 weeks, which means that barely any fetuses capable of living outside the womb at 24 weeks are ever aborted, most of which are because the child has a low chance of survival or a continued pregnancy would endanger the mother’s life. Women have every right to put their child up for adoption so why can’t they do so with the one in their womb, which would, of course, require separating it from its mother? I know this sounds harsh and honestly, it should be a private matter, but since conservatives are making women’s choices, public domain by deeming embryos and fetuses as alive as born babies, they should have to explain why such a child can’t be put up for adoption.
The “After-Birth-Abortion/Infanticide” scenario that conservatives keep using to headline their efforts against women’s rights likely never happens to healthy babies. A vote to require a pregnant woman to carry out such a pregnancy should obligate the voter to pay for her healthcare and register them to adopt and financially support the resulting child. I’d love to see how many pro-forced-gestation advocates would continue to support these overtures on women’s rights if they were responsible for the life they supposedly saved.
Women forced to carry out pregnancies should demand the same State stopping them from terminating that pregnancy take responsibility for it, which would include removing it from her possession. States with anti-abortion laws can pay to have the embryos transferred to pro-forced-gestation women willing to care for them. Obstetricians and gynecologists can start offering embryonic reassignment services rather than abortions. Pro-forced-gestation advocates will oppose it and would eventually be forced to argue why something that can’t survive outside the womb is as alive as a baby that can.
It’s sad that it has come to this but if white men aren’t going to leave women alone, they should at least have to come up with new arguments for why they are unsettling settled law. The point of this blog post is not to declare victory over pro-forced-gestation advocates, rather it is to advance the dialogue so we Americans can figure something out. There’s no excuse for the lack of advancement in such an important and divisive matter. The truth is politicians on both sides of the abortion debate care more about the political capital it generates than potential mothers and unborn babies. Just like pimps, they exploit the status quo.
Keep on writing, great job!