America was anti-Black from its inception and it still is. Many feel racism is conscious and intentional but that’s far from true. Racism is America’s original form so any thoughts formed from the American mindset will likely have a racist trajectory. To undo this racist underpinning, if America even intends to, would take a degree of drastic overcompensation this country has not yet shown itself capable of. Thus far, America has, at the most, stopped some of its racism. This is not through good intentions though. While characterized as altruism, any efforts White Americans make to stop racist acts are more to prevent themselves from seeing the racism they allow to persist than stop it for the sake of it not happening. They seldom wholeheartedly bring relief to those affected and only a minutia of White males in America would use their superior social power to do it anonymously. Today, much racism remains and America has yet to fix any of the damage done by centuries of its past racist practices.
Today in 2022, America is the closest to honestly accessing its racist core, which doesn’t say much. Attempts to introduce Critical Race Theory into school curriculums raised a natural national government campaign against it. Yes! The American government actively works to avoid exploring the subject of race. No one had to pass measures, raise support, create funding or organize personnel for the campaign against Critical Race Theory to solidify. America’s collective core psychology automatically raised fierce opposition in all parts of the country and its participants, as if it were natural instinct, seamlessly united to reject the mere exploration of the facts related to America’s past racism. This was America maintaining its original form.
To understand this better we need to look no further than now. Currently, our government is instructing schoolteachers not to discuss race and racism. This action demonstrates the power and intentions of White men. Black people seized the opportunity George Floyd’s murder presented when the tragedy caused the rare instance of White America opening an earnest ear to Black people’s plight. Despite Black people like Tamika Mallory and Patrisse Cullors having always been speaking out, media began covering their messages, which differed from the usual Black voices media permit. These voices and the plethora of suppressed Black viewpoints proved to be too much for America so it looked to academia for its most developed tool to for expressing Black people’s plight, which was Critical Race Theory. Although Critical Race Theory has been around since the 1970s, America began considering educating the whole of America about it, including White children. Well, fast-forward to today and we can see where the power lies in America. In two years time, White America exercised its superior power over Black and Black-sympathetic America to unilaterally decide that America wouldn’t have the discussion Black people have been trying to start since they were emancipated from slavery. At least “forgotten America” is just forgotten. Imagine being part of “suppressed America.” This country’s inherent racism decided that we would not even explore the idea of racism. To make it worse, America elevates the Black voices that oppose the far greater number of Black voices it doesn’t want to hear. Conservative media outlets allow Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder to spread their message all the time yet Liberal media don’t give voice to Black people who can truly oppose them; they only allow the Black voices they’re comfortable with and who don’t rock the boat.
When police kill unarmed Black men, law enforcement and media work together to block consideration of racial implication by assaulting the victims’ character, thereby legitimizing their deaths. Conservative media publicizes the criminal records and any past deeds that diminish the victim’s character and Liberal media further discusses what Conservative media propagates minus the racist spin. This system yields slightly assuaged Conservative racism. While there are plenty of voices in America ready to combat the Conservatives’ narrative, media, even Liberal media, ignore them. The people participating in this overall system aren’t purposely practicing this racism, rather they are functioning from a racist foundation called American culture and therefore are an extension of the racism inherent to this country. As explained in my Black Social Deficit blog, America imbues its citizens with the notion that Black people are violent and criminal. When officers encounter Black men, the criminality and violence has already occurred in officers’ minds to the point that they see reaching for a wallet or fearful fidgeting as aggression. Media are sympathetic to this psychosis because those in control of it identify with murderous officers’ skewed mindset; they report these deaths in the same way officers experienced them with no realistic counterbalance. The public too accepts these theories that, solely in the American mind, convert an innocent, non-threatening human, to a deadly threat. You would think that so many people from so many professions and various walks of life would produce enough rational people to guide America’s overall mindset to reality, but empowered White Americans capable of recognizing this collective cognitive flaw are in the minority. From professional officers to trained journalists to a wide-ranging mentality public, at no point do they step back, take a sober look and realize the person wasn’t a threat. The Black Social Deficit ensures that the illogical will register as logical truth in the American psyche.
America’s first step in eliminating threats to White male power is to give those threats names. In recent, more politically correct times it gives those troubles code names. The current terms, “woke” and “cancel culture,” are code for “nigger lover” and “anti-racist/anti-misogynist,” respectively. White men then use these terms to shore up support against that which threatens their absolute power. They first did this when the slaves were emancipated and they felt enfranchising and empowering Black people ruined America’s trajectory. They called the problem, “negroes and carpet baggers.” While being Black carried its dangers, being a “carpetbagger” meant having ones White safety reduced to that of Black people. It made White Americans choose between their moral inclinations or safety and comfort. The Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s created a renewed effort to empower Black people and thus a new anxiety and new terms to designate people threatening White male supremacy. These terms were, “niggers and hippies.” Again, being Black carried its dangers including drug persecution by police. Being a Hippy meant the same dangers in a time where Whites weren’t experiencing much drug persecution. The stigma of being a hippy put Liberal leaning White Americans at a crossroads that made them choose between the upper caste or a White status closer to Blacks. John Ehrlichman, President Nixon’s Senior Aide even said:
“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
America’s tendency name what threatens White male supremacy today is no different. The George Floyd murder caused many Whites to recognize Black plight and many began seeking to empower Black people by compelling America to convict murderous officers, thus they became a new threat to White male power. True to its natural form, White America appropriated the terms, “Woke” and “Cancel Culture” to designate sympathists who threaten White male domination. Conservative America began calling White people advocating for Black rights, and those who question capitalism, such as Climate Change advocates, those wanting gun regulation and Feminists, “woke.” They described these people’s efforts to stop White males from oppressing others as “Cancel Culture.”
As if it were second nature, these terms sprung into action to discourage White America from deviating from White male supremacy principles. White male supremacists appropriated these terms at the time White Americans opened an earnest ear to Black plight and showed receptiveness to non-selective and unadulterated information from Black voices. Just like with Critical Race theory, the core American psyche made White America instinctively rise and levy the term “woke” against open-minded Whites to discourage as much sympathy as possible. ”
America’s collective mental trajectory means anyone not consciously and mindfully steering their behavior away from racism will practice it and will therefore be practicing unintentional, yet very efficient and effective racism. As much as we think we’re evolving, our country operates from a very narrow set of values and puts more effort into disguising their maintenance of a racist culture than becoming a good faith, just nation and society. Critical Race Theory may be “wrong” but the summary rejection of it instead of fighting it with facts is telling of America’s dominant class. White male supremacy America is scared to look in the mirror and have itself assessed. It knows there is a minefield of ills that a robust debate will unearth if we begin seeking understanding of our country’s past behavior. Critical Race Theorists already know what these ills are so the vehement opposition to Critical Race Theory is to prevent both White male America’s self-realization of it, and more importantly to prevent the next generation from understanding what racism is and possibly becoming carpetbaggers or hippies. The dominant class didn’t coordinate this rather, Americas original form sought equilibrium by eliminating the force attempting to throw its trajectory off.
To understand how America automatically and instinctively skews good to White and bad to Black let’s look at Affirmative Action. It had a good effect and a bad one. The good effect is that it gave jobs to those who normally wouldn’t get them; it essentially gave jobs unfairly given to White males to non-Whites and non-males. This act opposed America’s original form, which created a bad effect of stirring up discontent with the dominant class. When faced with a trajectory-changing piece of legislation called Affirmative Action, America’s original form sprung into action, steering the positive effects to Whites and its negative effects towards Blacks. White women got the positive effects because they benefitted more from Affirmative Action than any other minority. In fact, White women got more jobs than all other minorities, including Black people, combined. The negative effects of Affirmative Action, the ridicule for people taking jobs they didn’t deserve, is almost always levied towards Black people. America, with no coordination, automatically gave the benefits of Affirmative Action to Whites and leveed the damages on Blacks. This is because of America collective psychology.
America’s collective psychology is so deep that it mentally excludes Black people as equal participants in national politics. Both Republicans and Democrats suppress Black people’s attempts to fully factor into American political discource, only allowing safe Blacks not likely to rock the boat to rise to prominence in either party. I’ve explained this a few times in other Blogs but both the Republican and Democrat Parties are for the interests of White males. The Republican Party and its narrow agenda, is the stronger of the two parties. It uses euphemisms to avoid explicitly stating its main goal is maintaining White male supremacy. Statements like “make America great again,” “secure the border,” “defend gun rights,” and others, causes Whites negatively affected by America’s half-hearted attempt to be a just country, to seek past social and political conditions where America was mostly White and used guns to barbarically enforce the border and enjoyed more comfort at the expense of dark people. The Democrat Party, on the other hand, is also for White male power but it needs to exploit minority plight to compete with the Republican Party. Balancing so many, often conflicting interests, its main tactic is to maintain minority support through token deeds such as Junteenth holidays, replacing slave owners on currency with slaves, and kneeling in the Senate Chamber wearing kinte cloth. The Democrats aren’t a viable political without Black support yet the Republican party is. This leverage is what Black people use to yield marginal gains. These paltry deeds are a lot more than the mere attitude adjustment Republicans have offered Black people thus far in exchange for switching parties.
The American political scale excludes most Black people. There is the Right. There is the Left. And further to the Left, out of political consideration, is Black. Both political parties systemically suppress the Black view, which means what America calls the center or “moderate” is actually right of America’s true center of the national collective opinion. America’s psychology instinctively discourages considering the Black view by labeling politicians “extreme leftist,” which is code for “nigger lover” amongst other things. What is an extreme leftist? Well, it’s a politician advocating ideas like “defunding the police,” an ideology that doesn’t call for the elimination of police but rather substituting appropriate professionals to handle problematic tasks where police unnecessarily kill. Defunding the Police is a knee-jerk reaction to trauma in the ‘hood and many in the ‘hood support it because the title has the notion of reducing law enforcement’s power to do what they know them to do; be more trouble than they are worth. All Black people, especially Black men, experience police killing non-threatening Black men as if it were them. When media publicizes an innocent Black man’s police killing, rather than thinking about my next business idea or blog post, I begin replaying the slain Black man’s situation over and over again in my head with me in his place. I then plug in various behavioral adjustments mentally testing to see if I would have survived the situation had I done things different. The Black people who don’t factor into American politics are traumatized by unnecessarily police killings so the knee-jerk reaction is to say “defund the police.” While the nominal value of this idea doesn’t have a chance in hell, the phrase alone is powerful enough to make the politicians that ignore Black people react. “Defund the Police” is a household name and it should have some sway in America’s political discussion just as “law and order” does. What did America’s political system do when desperate calls to defund the police began to resonate? Democrats like President Biden and Black Senator Corey Booker assured White America that two of our three branches of government wouldn’t even consider Black calls for help. They told White America that they, supposedly the party of Black people, would not address what the Black people on the hidden part of America’s political spectrum, were asking the government to address. To make it worse, despite the “Defund the Police” idea never being considered, Republicans began blaming reductions in law enforcement on the Democrat-blighted movement. Black people have never had enough power to unilaterally defund a government agency, yet White people blame reductions in law enforcement on the futile phrase and not the failed pandemic response and subsequent economic halt that truly lead to police staffing reductions. Media don’t bother correcting these deceitful assertions because both sides of the political spectrum, being pro White male supremacy, benefit from suppressing Black views; it shields them from self-realization. As a result, America has a center that is truly right of what the center would be if America factored in all American views. It’s similar to true North and Magnetic North when flying a plane; one will guide you to the top of the World. The other is useful but will never guide you to the North Pole.
Today in 2022, we still have an America that excludes Black people from politics. This is not all of America’s intention, rather it’s a small group of Americans exploiting America’s overall psychological disposition towards Blacks. When Black people call out for help, racist White males quickly tell “non-racist” America that nothing’s wrong. Non-racist America, fearing the possible realization of actual racism, then closes their ears, ignoring suppressed America. Disregarding our pleas to “defund the police” instead of probing in good faith into why part of America would rather completely do away with the part of government charged with protecting them than deal with the negative bi-product of their service is, in effect, racist. Deeming those Whites sympathetic to our cause, “extreme leftists” shows an underlying psychology against supporting us. It shows a psychological underpinning geared towards the net effect of oppressing Black people and inhibiting our efforts to overcome that oppression.