The Cardinal Rule of Male/Female relations
Brett Kavanaugh finds his Supreme Court nomination in jeopardy because he allegedly broke what I consider the Cardinal Rule of male/female relations; that rules is; man does the mating dance, woman decides. This may sound overly simplistic but it is this very rule that has brought humanity to where we are today.
Women throughout time, through their decision-making, have decided the trajectory of humanity’s attributes. This judgement has taken mankind from being Pygmies in central Africa, with an average male height of 4’11” to being Vikings, Aztecs and NBA players. It’s something deeper than them picking the best looking guy with the biggest muscles, rather something beyond human intelligence in women’s psyche causes them to decide the best mating pattern to advance humanity as a whole.
Western society is unique in that it channels its collective citizens’ productivity through its rulers’ pockets. By “rulers” I do not mean elected leadership, although they are essential to the process, rather I’m speaking of the establishment; the wealthy people that dictate what policies our elected leaders will pursue. Our rulers, primarily through banking syphon off productive energy from the citizens, distorting the natural indictor of the worthiness a male would showcase to potential mates, namely the fruits of his labor. Today, men who don’t labor much control the fruits of countless hardworking people’s energy. The result is a change in decision making in women when picking a potential mate, for the man that would till a whole field and plant crops for the family, does not have enough money to pay a mortgage. He can’t buy a house but he could easily build one. This man doesn’t even get to do his mating dance for the best women and those women’s dating pool tends to be poorly dancing beneficiaries of the status quo with better means of subsistence.
Although patrilineal Western society’s social structure institutionalizes infringing on the Cardinal Rule, women have managed to maintain much of their natural decision-making while creating a capacity to consider more immediate factors like their potential suitor’s position in today’s society. However a woman still can turn down the richest most powerful man solely based on her intuition and this is extremely common. The #metoo movement is a revolt against further encroachment on the Cardinal Rule. Currently, in addition to many powerful men passively using wealth to gain mating advantage over hard working types, men like Harvey Weinstein blatantly break the rule by not doing much of a dance at all. Instead, he and many other men put women in a situation where these guys’ penises stand between the women and their aspirations. Attempting to influence Cardinal Rule decision-making infringes on women’s natural right to genetically steer humanity in the right direction. No matter how powerful a man is, how big his muscles are, what he owns, or the influence he wields, man, he cannot break nature’s most basic and beneficial law, allowing woman to say “yes” or “no.” Weinstein went against this principle, even using force to subvert it.
By the age of 10 a male child should clearly understand sexual boundaries. By the age of 17, one year before adulthood, the Cardinal Rule should be well established in the male brain. If the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh have an ounce of truth, they are not just appalling, they’re downright disqualifying. According to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman claiming Kavanaugh, then 17, sexually assaulted her, as she exited the restroom at a house party. She said Kavanaugh and a friend forced her into a room, covered her mouth, turned up music to hide her cries for help, and did sexual things to her. According to her, his friend was in the room alternating between encouragement and saying stop. Sorry, but by the age of 17, no young man should have this type of behavior in him, sober or drunk. This is rape behavior, an indicator that he and his friend mutually enjoy some aspect of forcing women into sexual situations against their will. If the allegations are true, the only thing that caused Mr. Kavanaugh and his friend to abide by the Cardinal Rule was law and consequences. It means empathy, social judgment and an internal sense of social rights and wrongs likely did not hold sway in their minds.
This quality would be the worse one for a Supreme Court justice. I know we pretend that laws are de facto right and wrong, but in reality so much falls outside of the rigid boundaries in America’s statutes. For instance, during Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing, Senator Durbin criticized him for an appeals case where he deviated from a majority Supreme Court decision in order to avoid classifying immigrant employees as “employees.” This was to help a company named Agri Processing prevent its immigrant workers from unionizing. Despite there being a guiding definition of “employee” in the National Labor Relations Act, Kavanaugh grafted a favorable clause from another Supreme Court decision, Sure-Tan, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board, to argue that immigrant workers weren’t technically employees, thus attempting to prohibit them from unionizing. He took this from a case where the majority opinion even considered these workers “employees.” Kavanaugh still found a way to try to help Agri Processing. One year later a criminal court convicted Agri Proccessing’s owner of 86 counts of fraud and money laundering. He was sentenced to 27 years in prison, a sentence later commuted by President Donald Trump. When asked about this case Kavanaugh said, “I’m just a judge and only interpret statute.” Durbin reminded him that there’s much more beneath the surface of judicial decision-making. My point is that when what’s beneath the surface matters when choosing a Supreme Court Justice. A 17 year-old and his friend forcing a girl into a room against her will then proceeding to do sexual things to her shows that what’s beneath Kavanaugh’s surface, at least during his formative years, does empathize with the plight of women and will not continue the trend of ending America’s oppression of the female gender. If a person can muffle the protest of a woman in distress and his friend can turn up the music to hide her screams, it means between the two of those young men, the moral judgment was not there to save her. I can tell you that my instinct is to run towards a woman’s screams and neutralize whatever distresses her. If the allegations against Kavanaugh are true, he and his friend were the threats to be neutralized.
Just as Kavanaugh and his friend allegedly forced themselves on Christine Blasey Ford because it suited their agenda, Senate Republicans apparently arranged a hearing date that suited their agenda without giving any consideration to her situation. She was jolted from her normal life and forced to flee because of death threats and they expect her to just show up at their beck and call? She asked for an FBI investigation prior to her Senate testimony and America refused via the President’s unwillingness to order an investigation. The Senate helped deny her the investigation by advancing the narrative that she simply refused to testify. Even media helped by not effectively alerting the public that she was willing to testify under the very reasonable condition that an honest agency without interests in the matter get to weigh in. She simply wants to defer to a higher investigative authority. She doesn’t trust a panel of white male Senators, most of which seem willing to ignore rape tendencies to confirm Kavanaugh. The Senate committee set a random deadline of Friday at 10pm for her to agree to testify and when her lawyer wrote them asking for an extra day, they gave her 16.5 more hours. Talk about petty! Now Blasey-Ford has finally agreed to testify this Thursday. Anyone who saw former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s recent Congressional testimony over Donald Trump’s Russia probe knows how the slick talking lawyers in the Houses of Congress use testimony as a tool for political posturing. Congressional Republicans badgered Mr. Strzok. They cut off his answers when it didn’t fit their agenda and had him explain, repeatedly, the parts that did. Mr. Strzok is a professional, experienced in testifying and Congress did a number on him so it shouldn’t be hard to see why the Senate intimidates a regular person like Blasey-Ford. Imagine what all those unsympathetic, incredulous and agenda-driven white male Republicans will try to do to her when she testifies before them. But I predict that there is a lot more to this story and sense that Kavanaugh has more victims. Senate Republicans insistence on her testifying for them and not the FBI is similar to an abusive husband insisting he’ll handle his own domestic dispute with his wife. It’s like cops investigating themselves. Higher authorities should investigate cops, police should be involved in a married couple’s violent domestic disputes and the FBI should investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault claims. The FBI won’t assist Kavanaugh in lying; the Senate will. Anything short of an FBI investigation is blatant disregard for a woman’s plight and is indicative of America’s true nature.
We have truly made progress with women’s rights in America but we are nowhere close to where we need to be. A woman can claim a man sexually assaulted her and citizens immediately begin threatening her life and not his. This means America as a whole is hostile towards female sexual assault victims and sympathetic towards the accused male; American society continues to encroach on the Cardinal Rule. We are supposed to be better than that.