Last week Kamala Harris delivered a hard blow to Joe Biden’s Presidential candidacy by calling out his opposition to court imposed busing in the 1970s. She appears to be the only Democrat willing to break rank and truly contend for the nomination and she did well. However her nomination at this point in time would nearly guarantee Donald Trump a second term. America’s reluctance to look in the mirror and truly face racism has all the news stations, as usual, speculating on black views rather than risking hearing some ugly truths by actually talking to a broad spectrum of people. African Americans, being the pragmatists we are, understand that America is still a white/male supremacy country. Our so-called “advances,” in truth, are more so efforts to hide the appearance of racism than to actually eliminate it. This leaves a politely racist country that refrains from explicit expressions of racism to assure itself that racism is more a figment of black people’s imaginations than a truth. Today, you have to dig through law enforcement’s personal social media to find them using the “N” word, but you can just look at the nightly news to see them treating black people as such.
Black people have it right by supporting Biden over Harris because we are looking at the brass tax of the matter.
If America couldn’t elect a well established, wealthy white woman as President, what makes us think we will pick a black one that wants to take our guns away?
Without delving into the gun debate, most black people are pro-gun. Not in a NRA member type of way but more of a “we may need guns to stop NRA members from killing us” manner. Even blacks that support gun control and are most at risk of gun violence are pro-gun. My mother would vote for gun regulation legislation but in the past has accepted a gun from me to hold during times America didn’t feel safe.
Donald Trump knocked America down from the jungle gym bars when we were attempting our best trick yet, electing a woman President. Before we can attempt to retry the trick that left us on the ground in the first place, we must first stand up. Joe Biden represents sure footing because he is a white man that has recently demonstrated a propensity to support minority advancement. His support of the first black President against a racist political party with a declared objective of “Making him a one-term President” more than earns him a chance to redeem himself through a pro-minority Presidency. To pretend that Joe Biden’s phrasing about working with segregationists in the 1970s or his strategic voting on busing from that era is indicative if how he would lead in the 2020s is disingenuous. There’s even a little piece of me that thinks he’s running for President just so he can hand it off to a black woman.
If Kamala Harris wins the nomination, I will whole-heartedly support and campaign for her. I just don’t feel she can realistically win against Donald Trump given his momentum and America’s current disposition on patriarchy, race and guns. The field for advancement is just not that fertile so we should stick to what we know for now.
Joe Biden Supporter’s Chant: